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Join our talent network

Flexing It® enables our community of 80,000+ verified, independent consultants and 3000+ Boutique firms to build a sustainable and high-growth freelance business in a hassle-free manner.

Utilize our comprehensive BD suite for client outreach

Focus on high-value strategic projects while we manage your business's operational aspects, via team leverage, VA, resources, etc

Boost your industry presence with our platform and share expertise with a broader client base

Our boutique service firm community represents all key skill areas including Strategy, Marketing & Sales, Technology, Finance, Human Resources and more.

Two-thirds of our consultants are from top-tier institutions like Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD, ISB, and IIM and have worked at leading companies around the world.

Join as a Boutique Firm

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We work with leading brands to fulfill their freelance talent needs

Browse these live case studies.

  • 1

    Build a strong
    skill profile

  • 2

    Access high-quality

  • 3

    Determine your
    optimal fee level

  • 4

    Successfully deliver
    high-value projects

  • 5

    Build your brand

Build a strong skill profile

  • star-bq-bq details about your experience and assignments, the better
  • star-bq-bqRequest feedback from your past projects to build further credibility to your profile.
 Create a strong profile with our guide

Access high-quality Projects

  • star-bqView and apply to a range of short and long term projects suited to your domain
  • star-bq Leverage our proprietary algorithm to identify ‘Best Fit’ projects
  • star-bq Speak to our team for market insights and strategic guidance on projects of interest
  • star-bqUtilise our seamless project portal to keep everything in one place from applications to digital contracting and invoices

Determine Your optimal fee level

  • star-bqUse our smart fee benchmarking tool that helps you determine the right fee levels for your services and expertise
  • star-bqIdentify the right talent at the right cost with FeeBee as well
  • star-bq Based on data sourced from thousands of project proposals
  • star-bq Leverage over 700, 000 project fee data points

Successfully Deliver high-value Projects

  • star-bq Build operational efficiencies with our support services, especially curated for businesses like yours
  • star-bqAccess quality freelancers to support with project delivery 
  • star-bqUse our resources, templates and administrative services to reduce project costs and stay focused on delivery
  • star-bq Raise, track and save invoices from your personalised dashboard on the platform for projects via Flexing It and beyond.

Build Your Brand

  • star-bqShowcase your skill and expertise
  • star-bq Engage in speakership opportunities
  • star-bqBuild your thought leadership profile
  • star-bq Co-create success stories and case studies

Core resources to enable your journey

Unlock new revenue streams

  • Subtract

    Gain access to a vast network of potential clients, seeking experts like you.

  • Subtract

    Leverage support of our full business development suite, including client outreach, market research and proposal development.

  • Subtract

    Unlock new revenue streams with our personalized insights and experienced guidance.

  • Subtract

    Focus on high-value strategic initiatives while we handle the operational aspects of your business.

Enhance your project delivery capabilities

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    Tap into a curated pool of highly skilled and experienced freelancers to complement your team's expertise and seamlessly scale up or down as per project demands.

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    Access a range of valuable resources, including virtual assistants, editorial support, and contracting and administrative services – to streamline your operations.

  • pointer2

    Collaborate with us to jointly pitch solutions to clients and expand your business portfolio.

Amplify your brand and network

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    Strengthen your industry presence by leveraging our ‘Talent Showcase’ feature and share your expertise with a wider client base.

  • pointer3

    Expand the reach of your content through our marketing channels and campaigns.

  • pointer3

    Explore speakership opportunities with us at key industry events, establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Stay updated with our research and blogs


Stay updated on the future of work. Read our latest research on the professional gig economy.

View our Research

Read and subscribe to our blogs where domain experts and our guest writers write about industry and sector insights 

View our Blogs